Monday, May 2, 2016

Wait List Update

Hi everyone, as promised, here is your post-May 1 update.

How large is the Wait List?
A total of 1452 students have accepted a spot on this year’s regular decision Wait List; 106 students have accepted a spot on the EOP Wait List.

What happens next?
Now that May 1 has passed, the Admissions Selection Committee has begun reviewing the number of deposits received in order to determine the amount of space available in the class, if any. Because some deposits are received by mail, it will still take a few more days for everyone to be accounted for. In the coming weeks, the Committee will convene and re-review the entire Wait List pool to determine who is most qualified to admit (pending space). Our goal is still to notify all Wait Listed students of their statuses in June, but at this time, we cannot be more specific as to a precise date. Final decision communications will be sent by e-mail and posted in SOLAR.

What happens if I’m not accepted off the Wait List?
Students who are not accepted off our Wait List and still wish to attend SB are advised to enroll at a regionally accredited college or university for a period of at least one year, earning a minimum of 24 credits with a 3.0 GPA or higher. You would then re-apply to SB as a transfer student.

We highly recommend that Wait Listed students do not re-apply for the spring 2017 semester because they’ll generally fall short of the above criteria for transfer students (and most first year students may not receive their first semester collegiate grades until after we have filled our spring class).

Are there Joint Admissions Programs?
Yes, we offer Joint Admissions Programs with Nassau Community College and Suffolk County Community College, which provide students with an attractive and convenient alternative path to earning a degree from Stony Brook University. More information about these programs is available on this website.

We appreciate your patience and will do our very best to notify you of your final admissions decision as soon as possible.


  1. How do I know if I'm on the EOP waitlist

    1. If you applied for the EOP program, you would be on that wait list. If you did not, you're on the regular decision wait list.

  2. Do the amount of available spots vary per school (the liberal arts school, engineering school)? Do the amount of available spots also vary per major (ex. computer science, civil engineering, computer engineering, etc.)? Are the wait listed people that selected a restricted major still being considered admission for the major or to the University?

    1. Yes, all three can be factors. As we determine overall space in the class, we also look at the distribution of students in colleges and majors, and try to project how much capacity exists in courses for those programs. We would want to make sure that we have space in the required courses for any students accepted off the wait list.

  3. I was wonder if the EOP students have to pay for admission for room and boarding and if so what exculty are the perks of being in that program?

    1. This website explains the program:
      EOP is a SUNY program run with state funding, that helps students pay for the costs of their education (along other financial aid awards students quality for like Pell grants and TAP).

  4. Is there a chance waitlisted students head back in the middle/end of May like previous years? Is there any information on the movement of the waitlist and how to improve your chances of being accepted?

    1. Mid May is unlikely, but we understand how stressful this process can be and will work to finalize decisions as quickly as possible. No movement yet to report since we're only in the first week of May and still assessing space. We truthfully appreciate your patience.

  5. If I don't get in from the waitlist and decide to go to another established college and decide to transfer in the spring will the SUNY credits I acquired in higshool along with the ones I acquire increase my chances of being admitted in the spring?

    1. Very few first semester transfers are accepted because we usually fill our spring class before they have the opportunity to send us their fall grades. A safer route would be looking to transfer in for fall 2017.

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  7. What if someone gets off the waitlist but doesn't respond because he just wanted to see if he could get in. Would that spot be lost because there isn't enough time or would it go to someone else? Also how long does someone have to make their desicion? One day or more?

    1. Good questions. We estimate that some students who are accepted off the wait list will not accept our offer, and after their deadline to accept passes their admit offer is withdrawn. Their spot is not automatically given to another candidate, however, because we account for a certain % not accepting the offer.

      Typically, students are given 7-10 days to accept our offer, which allows time for them to receive their financial aid award and consider their options. A respond-by-date is included with every offer of admission.

  8. Is it known how many free spots are on the regular waitlist and the Eop waitlist yet or is it still in the process of being finalized?

    1. No updates yet to report, still being finalized, sorry.

  9. Hi, does admissions have a specific date in June when decisions are being released? Or is it sent out individually?

    1. We do not have a specific date yet, but will try to get decisions out as soon as possible.

  10. Is there a separate wait list for the International Applicants and how are they evaluated?

    1. International students are placed on the same wait list as regular decision U.S. citizens. There's no difference in general evaluation, although TOEFL & IELST are considered in some cases instead of U.S. standardized exams.

  11. if I am on the EOP waitlist and there is only like 2 spots will I still be considered for regular admission waitlist?

    1. EOP applicants are also evaluated for admission through regular decision. However, because EOP has different admissions standards, most students students who are eligible for EOP are not eligible for admission through regular decision.

  12. Has there been any movement along the waitlist and when will regular decision applicants start to hear about their decision?

    1. June is still the plan for notifications as of now. Hang in there.

  13. Compared to last year's percentage of students admitted from waitlist, what's it looking like this year? And also, if a kid is admitted but doesn't decide to attend will you give that spot to another waitlisted student?

    1. Space is looking tighter right now than the last two years, but we're continuing to evaluate whether there are any changes in students dis-enrolling.

      Before we admit students, we look at historical data to estimate how many students will likely accept our offer. We know that not all students will. So when a student declines our offer of admission, their spot is not automatically given to another candidate because we account for a certain % not accepting the offer before the admit offers ever go out.

  14. Hello if I have a friend that is also going to stony brook and I am also accepted from the waitlist what is the possibility we could be roommates if we are in the same undergraduate college? Will I be able to decided my room mate or no?

    1. You can request placement in the same Undergraduate College, but it would depend on how much space there is at that time.

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